More ideas on quilling with a comb. I need to repeat , may be you are doing it this way, but what I demonstrate is how I do it, and to teach others who may not know it as yet. I don't think I need to explain how to do it as I have taken clear pictures of details on how to do it step by step. No one has complained that they did not understand my previous tutorials, So I assume all understood it and will be able to follow these too. 1 to 6 in the above picture shows how to create the design on 7. This can be used in what ever way you like in a project. In the collage below with 4 pics , you can coil a strip of paper the way I have shown and insert it in the centre of the completed picture above and create another design. If you glue a strip around it, you find a third design (2nd box below). There is no limit, if you try. The third quilling in the picture can create the bottom design in the 4th box. Hope you understand and will waite for your comments. Happy quilling friends :)
Thank you for sharing all these tutorials, Annie! I enjoying going through all of them and surely learned a lot!
Happy Quilling!
like this one to, the pictures clearly show how there done, thanks again Anastasia !!!!
Thank you so much for sharing its really nice
Absolutely adorable!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Annie, i have learnt a lot from your tutorials earlier too and will surely try these also. thanks for sharing.
Hi I am priya from INDIA (PUNE CITY)I have learnt a lot from your idias .thanks for all
Thank you for sharing tutorial.
Thank you very much!! I would like to learn new combing ideas for quilling. Mail me at srikanth.anuradhas@gmail.com
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