Since Susan from "Susan Quilling Card" introduced the beehive method of quilling, many quilling friends have never stopped using it in various projects. It so happens that I myself have fallen head over heels in love with it and cannot stop experimenting this with any strip of paper. This quillin too was an idea that I got while playing around with the beehive method. I have used it to fill up the head area, and the body with a honey comb design. This is my zodiac sign and I have been thinking of quilling the two fishes for some time. Wanted it to be different from the other designs. I found the heart shape on the Internet and designed it the way I wanted it. Wanted it to look a bit romantic too :D So hear it is my latest, with the boy fish about to kiss the girl fish with their tales twisted around each other Doesn't it look romantic?? he..he..
Will be back with another soon. Take care and bye till then
How can I even begin to say anything about it Annie!!!!!! It's just SO beautiful! You surely have the knack for most unusual things and making them work like magic :)
I loved their beautiful works. You are very talented and criative!
Superb !! and Gorgeous Annie .
absolutely mind blowing art .
perfect for Valentines day too
I begin saying WOW!!! Your work is just perfect and gorgeous!!!
Gorgeous! I love the mix of different technique you have used. This looks stunning!
Nati from Brazil
this is lovely. like the idea how those fish form a heart shape.
Again surprisingly original and very beautiful!
this is really awesome as all your work is, love the beehive effect, and the honey comb to, awesome details and colors.Can you explain how you did the Honey comb ?
Красиво!!! Я тоже по гороскопу рыба!!!!!!! Сейчас делаю знак зодиака рыб!!!!
once again you have created something new, fantastic design !! beautiful ..
Wonderful idea! Love your quilling very much!
Greetings Baukje
Love them from the first moment! It is romantic, of course, first I thought it`s a Valentine work but it fits so well for your zodiac sign! Beautiful indeed and so profesional.
Dear Annie....absolutely romantic
This is it, the masterpiece :)
I'm so speechless, when I saw this quilled...so amazed me...really adorable....made my mouth agape :)
I love the combo colors you used, very pretty.
I am so happy that You've enjoyed to play the beehive in your quilled creation. I am so sure, that you can made beehive very very well then me, you're so talented and so many many quiller have inspired. Thank you very much, Annie.
You and Pritesh really made cheers my day.
Keep on quilling
big hugs,
I'm a new quiller in quilling world (since november 2011) I've visited many sites and blogs and learned a lot. I'd be very grateful if you could visit my blog
and leave a comment or suggestion
Big hug from Croatia
Brilliant work. It looks gorgeous.
Анастасия , загляните посмотреть на моё созвездие рыб -
so gorgeous!
Charming Annie!! The heart shape and the fishes tail , wow wow wow. Love your work .
I love this Annie and it looks great as your blog header! My goodness there is a lot of work in this amazing piece. I will check out the beehive technique. hugs xo
Beautiful colors and it looks lovely as your blog header!
very pretty :) :)
Wonderful project, lovely colors! And so romantic! Love these zodiac sign! Glad you chose it for your blog header!
Great work!!loved the colour combinations.Thanks for sharing..
It is sooo pretty.. I can't say anything other than "WOW" "WOW"
This is really creative and beautiful!!! The design is very detailed and awesome. I like it:)
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